Mern Stack Development Training by Experts
Our Training Process

Mern Stack Development - Syllabus, Fees & Duration
Module 1: Introduction to React
- What is React?
- Why React?
- React version history
- React 16 vs React 15
- Just React – Hello World
- Using create-react-app
- Anatomy of react project
- Running the app
- Debugging first react app
Module 2: Templating using JSX
- Working with React. create Element
- Expressions
- Using logical operators
- Specifying attributes
- Specifying children
- Fragments
Module 3: About Components
- Significance of component architecture
- Types of components
- Functional
- Class based
- Pure
- Component Composition
Module 4: Working with state and props
- What is state and it significance
- Read state and set state
- Passing data to component using props
- Validating props using prop Types
- Supplying default values to props using default Props
Module 5: Rendering lists
- Using react key prop
- Using map function to iterate on arrays to generate elements
Module 6: Event handling in React
- Understanding React event system
- Understanding Synthetic event
- Passing arguments to event handlers
Module 7: Understanding component lifecycle and handling errors
- Understand the lifecycle methods
- Handle errors using error boundaries
Module 8: Working with forms
- Controlled components
- Uncontrolled components
- Understand the significance to default Value prop
- Using react ref prop to get access to DOM element
Module 9: Context
- What is context
- When to use context
- Create Context
- Context Provider
- Context Consumer
- Reading context in class
Module 10: Code-Splitting
- What is code splitting
- Why do you need code splitting
- React lazy
- Suspense
- Route-based code splitting
Module 11: hooks
- What are hooks
- Why do you need hooks
- Different types of hooks
- Using state and effect hooks
- Rules of hooks
Module 12: Routing with react router
- Setting up react router
- Understand routing in single page applications
- Working with Browser Router and Hash Router components
- Configuring route with Route component
- Using Switch component to define routing rules
- Making routes dynamic using route params
- Working with nested routes
- Navigating to pages using Link and NavLink component
- Redirect routes using Redirect Component
- Using Prompt component to get consent of user for navigation
- Path less Route to handle failed matches
Module 13: Just Redux
- What is redux
- Why redux
- Redux principles
- Install and setup redux
- Creating actions, reducer and store
Module 14: Immutable.js
- What is Immutable.js?
- Immutable collections
- Lists
- Maps
- Sets
Module 15: React Redux
- What is React Redux
- Why React Redux
- Install and setup
- Presentational vs Container components
- Understand high order component
- Understanding map State To Props and map Dispatch To Props usage
Module 16: Redux middleware
- Why redux middleware
- Available redux middleware choices
- What is redux saga
- Install and setup redux saga
- Working with Saga helpers
- Sagas vs promises
Module 17: Unit Testing
- Understand the significance of unit testing
- Understand unit testing jargon and tools
- Unit testing react components with Jest
- Unit testing react components with enzyme
Module 18: Web pack Primer
- What is web pack
- Why web pack
- Install and setup web pack
- Working with web pack configuration file
- Working with loaders
- Working with plugins
- Setting up Hot Module Replacement
Module 19: Isomorphic React
- What is server-side rendering (SSR)?
- Why SSR
- Working with render To String and render To Static Markup methods
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
Module 1: Introduction to Node.js
- What is Node.js
- Features of Node.js
- Concept
- Where to fit and not fit
- Event-Driven programming style
- What is Asynchronous
Module 2: Installation / Setup
- Local environment setup
- Node.js runtime
- Download source code
- Installation on OS
- Verify
Module 3: Node Package Manager
- Install module by NPM
- Global vs Local setup
- Update Module
- CRUD Module
Module 4: Express Framework
- What is Express
- Setup Express
- Request And Response
- Handling Routes
- Route Middleware
- Objects
- Cookies Management
- File upload
- HTTP methods
Module 5: Buffers and Streams
- What is buffers and Streams
- Benefit of Streams over buffers
- Create / Write / Read operation on Buffers
- Process on Buffers
- Read / Write data by Streams
- Pipeline
- Chaining Stream
Module 7: REST API
- RESTful Architecture
- HTTP URI and Methods
- RESTful web services
- Expose solution as API
- Best practice for REST API solution
Module 8: Callback
- What is Callback
- Benefit of Callback
- Asynchronous communications
- Block and Non-Blocking
- Standard Callback pattern
- Async Flow control Library
- Executing in parallel
Module 9: Events
- What is Events
- Events types
- Event Emitter API
- Multiple event listeners
- Event emitter pattern
- Class methods
- Event Loop
- Blocking Event Loop
- Escaping Event Loop
Module 10: Connecting with Database
- Introduction of MySQL
- Connect with MySQL
- Introduction of MongoDB
- Features of MongoDB
- Connect with MongoDB
- Defining a schema
- Defining a Model
Module 11: External Processes and Services
- What is processes
- Spawning Child process
- Create and kill processes
- Building with HTTP Severs
- HTTP requests
- Secure HTTP Server
Module 12: External Processes and Services
- Using Test Runner
- Using Assertion Testing Module
- Built-in Debugger
- Console log
- Node Inspector
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
- The model-view-controller pattern
- Defining Jade templates
- Configuring Express
- Postman configuration
- Using REST
- JSON Data
- Reading POST data
- CRUD operations
- Adding middleware
- Getting Started
- Adding To Your App
- Exploring The Front-end
- Sending Live Data Back & Forth
- Creating The Front-end UI
- Showing Messages In App
- Working With Time
- Timestamps
- Show Message Time In Chat App
- Chat application Project
- Working with gulp
- Working with grunt
- Working with unit and E2E testing
- starting a server
- Writing your first route
- Sending a response
- Macthing route paths
- Getting a single expression
- Setting status codes
- Macthing longer paths
- Other HTTP methods
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
Module 1: Introduction to NoSQL
- What Is NoSQL?
- Why NoSQL databases are required
- Types of NoSQL Database
- NoSQL vs SQL Comparison
- ACID & BASE Property
- CAP Theorem
- Benefits of NoSQL databases
- Installation
- Start and Stop the MongoDB process
Module 2: MongoDB Architecture
- Document, Collection, Databases
- Storage Engines
- Read Path
- Journaling
- Write Path
- Working Set
- Capped Collection
- Oplog collection
- TTL Index
- GridFS
Module 3: CRUD Operations
- MongoDB Data Types
- Inserting, Update, Deleting the documents
- Querying the documents
- Bulk insert operation
- Updating multiple document
- Limiting documents
- Filtering documents
Module 4: Schema Design and Data modeling
- Dynamic Schema
- What is Data modeling?
- RDBMS and MongoDB Data modeling difference
- Embedding Document
- Reference Document
Module 5: Indexes
- Index concepts in MongoDB
- Types of indexes
- Indexes and its use cases
- Creating Indexes
- Managing Indexes
- Index strategies
Module 6: Database Administration in MongoDB
- Database status
- Troubleshooting issues
- Current Operations
- Rotating log files
- Users and Roles
- Copy and Clone database
- DB and Collection Stats
- Explain plan
- Profiling
- Changing configuration files
- Upgrading the database
Module 7: MongoDB: Backup and Security
- Concept of backups
- mongoexport/mongoimport
- mongodump/mongorestore
- Oplog backups
- LVM Backups
- Backups using MMS/Ops Manager
- Purpose of security
- Authentication and authorization
- Role based access control
Module 8: Replication in MongoDB
- Concept of replication
- ReplicaSet member roles
- Voting and Electing primary
- Role of Oplog in replication
- Read and Write Concern
- Arbiter,Hidden and Delayed replica node
- Priority settings
- Replicaset nodes health check
- Concept of resyncing the nodes
- Rollbacks during failover
- Keyfile authentication
Module 9: MongoDB Scalability
- Concept of Scalability
- Sharding concept
- Shardkey and Chunks
- Choosing shardkey
- Sharding components
- Types of Sharding
- Balanced data distribution
- Sharded and Non-sharded collection
- Sharded Replicaset
- Tag aware sharding
Module 10: MongoDB Monitoring and Other Tools
- MMS Manager
- Ops Manager
- Mongo utility commands
- Mongo developer tools
- MongoDB Atlas
- MongoDB client drivers
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates