Adobe InDesign Training by Experts
Our Training Process

Adobe InDesign - Syllabus, Fees & Duration
Section 1
- Using the Pen Tool
- Adjusting the Workspace
- Arranging Objects
- Color Fills
Straight Lines
- Drawing Curves (Pen Tool)
- Anchor Points and Direction Points
- Default Fill and Stroke
- Drawing Corners and Curves (Pen Tool)
- Adjusting Anchor Points
Corners and Curves
Section 2
- Fill and Stroke
- Basic Shape Tools
- Grouping Objects
- Layers Panel
- Working with Templates
No Smoking Sign
- Live Trace and Live Paint
- Tracing Hand-Drawn Images
- Coloring Live Paint Objects
- Brushes
- Flare Tool
Super Hero
Section 3
- Compound Paths
- Group Selection Tool
What’s Behind the Green Door?
- Clipping Masks (Shapes)
- Blob Brush Tool
- Eraser Tool
- Reflect Tool
Mask Till You Drop
- Type Tool
- Clipping Masks (Editable Type)
- Filling Text with a Photo
- Placing Linked Images
Masking with Type
- 3D Extrude & Bevel
- Creating Symbols from Artwork
- Mapping Symbols onto 3D Objects
- Lighting and Shadows for 3D Objects
3D Shape: Milk Duds Box
Section 3
- Blend Tool
- Blending Options
Will It Blend?
- Blending Lines
- Reflect Tool
- Rotate Tool
Wavy Line Blend
- Dashed Lines and Stroke Options
- Saving Colors as Swatches
- Blending Modes
- Gradient Tool
- Saving Gradient Swatches
Juggling Colors and Gradients
- Merging Paths (Pathfinder)
- Transparency Options
- Grouping Objects
Combining Shapes with the Pathfinder
Section 5
- Creating and Applying Pattern Swatches
- Scaling and Rotating Patterns
- Working with Layers
- Align Panel
- Working with Type
- Text and Character Options
- Adding a Drop Cap
- Type on a Path
- Text Wrap
- Fill Text with a Pattern
One-Page Advertisement
- Using the Appearance Panel
- Transparency
- Blending Modes
- Drop Shadows
- Arrowheads
Stylin’ Effects
- Graphic Styles
- Appearance Panel
- Multiple Fills
- Auto-sizing Text Boxes
Appearance and Graphic Styles
Section 6
- Adding and Removing Layers
- Creating and Using Multiple Artboards
- Recoloring Artwork
Layers, Artboards & Recoloring Artwork
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates